Newbie in London

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Join date : 2017-05-18

PostTinkerlad 5/18/2017, 1:42 am

Hello. My names Ben and I'm totally new to this. I spend my days working in television writing comedy for various chat shows. But grew up in Devon as a boy on a plant nursery so my time was spent collecting insects and butterflies and keeping them from a premature death in the overly hot greenhouses
In really keen to learn how to keep butterflies and would love some steerage and ideally if anyone is in london a helping hand to get to grips with he how to's

I've two kids that are urban rascals and think this would be a wonderful hobby to have for them too
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Location : Wisconsin

PostT.C. 5/18/2017, 10:00 am

Welcome to the forum. I raised alot of moth species, and a few different butterfly species. Although they are getting rare, monarchs are my favorite to raise. I also enjoy swallowtails.

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