Moth Cacoons traiding

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Join date : 2017-05-13

Postlepman 5/17/2017, 7:01 am

Greetings all,

I am currently in search of common southern Indiana moth cacoons, mainly just interested in female cacoons.
Species im interested but not limited to are:
-Actias luna
-Eacles imperialis
-Antheraea polyphemus
I would also be interested in ova along with those specimens of any species available.

I mainly prefer traiding, I have insects(the following are from China) such as:
-Cetoniidae, Cicindelinae, Papilio mackkii, Etc...
If you would like a specific genera of insects I can obtain them if I am informed soon.

these are a few of the specimens I have to trade

Last edited by lepman on 5/17/2017, 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2017-05-13

Postlepman 5/17/2017, 7:04 am


Last edited by lepman on 5/18/2017, 5:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Location : Indiana

Postmothman27 5/17/2017, 12:42 pm

I may be interested in trading. My main interest is in saturniidae so I will likely have ova (sorry, I don't have extra cocoons) available this summer of:
A. luna
H. cecropia
A. polyphemus
E. imperialis
Several others are possible.

I also have native deadstock I can trade as well as from all over the world (I did not collect them though).
I am interested in many insects, which countries have you collected in?
As I said, Saturniidae is the largest part of my collection and my favorite.
I am also interested in Chinese Lucaniidae, cetoniinae, papilionidae, nymphalidae and I have to admit those tiger beetles are really cool! Anyway, let me know what countries you have collected in or plan to and I will send you a more detailed wish list.
Here are some samples:
E. imperialis cacicus, South America
Moth Cacoons traiding E_impe10
A. polyphemus, Indiana Moth Cacoons traiding Sdc19710
Large sphingid from Mexico
Moth Cacoons traiding Huge_s10
Eastern comma, polygonia comma, Indiana
Moth Cacoons traiding Dsc07810
Dichotomius satanus, Mexico
Moth Cacoons traiding Dsc08010
Posts : 5
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Join date : 2017-05-13

Postlepman 5/24/2017, 7:10 am

Sounds Great, Anyone interested in traiding feel free to contact me at (!
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