Vespula germanica journal

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Join date : 2017-10-23

PostConnectiponera 10/23/2017, 6:20 pm

I recently caught four different Vespula germanica queens! Two of them are fertile, one is possibly infertile, and the last is fertile but very sickly. I'll post updates on them here! This might not get updated for a couple months, so make sure to check back after they're done hibernating!

I'm still finding tons of queens, and I'll make an update for every new one I find.
Posts : 4
Points : 10
Join date : 2017-10-23

PostConnectiponera 10/24/2017, 11:29 am

The three healthy queens are all hibernating together in a small container with some damp tissue. The sickly queen is by herself, and I'm not sure if she'll even make it to hibernation.

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