Sugar Ants invasion!

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PostFriendStein 3/28/2017, 7:11 am

So my house became under siege as of late. These type of ants are just black ants and all the want is our food! We laid down some traps in one part of the house but they are persistent and continue on the other side of the house.

These taps should bring the trap back to the hive however, all they did was migrate somewhere else... Just a few feet to the other direction more likely. Any tip's to fight off their siege?
Insect Rod
Insect Rod
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PostInsect Rod 3/28/2017, 8:23 pm

They do like anything that is sweet, and it can be a battle to keep them out of your house. Do not leave anything out in the open for them to eat. If you have a sugar container left out, they can get in it if it is not sealed really good.
Poisons will kill them, and you could eventually win for a while.
Insect rod
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PostT.C. 3/29/2017, 11:04 am

Getting rid of ants can be a chore. Our house is pretty infested with carpenter ants. After a few months it appeared our poison traps were beginning to take a toll though.
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Join date : 2017-03-28

PostFriendStein 3/30/2017, 3:49 am

Thanks for the replies.
Yes, the Ants are a chore no doubt. They just came back, we thought we might have stopped them because they disappeared, but man do they not give up. I find it really fascinating that they sacrifice so many ant lives to get food for the colony,
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