Catching Lucanus Capreolus / Importation Laws/Permits

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Join date : 2017-11-10

PostHyprNekoStorm 11/10/2017, 8:05 am

Hey everyone, I'm a new member of these forums. I've always wanted to keep beetles, and I'm close to getting some exotic species. I've heard about permits and laws needed to import them, does anyone know anything about this?
Second, I have seen two specimens of Lucanus Capreolus where I live. I am pretty sure they are coming from an old rotting stump near my sidewalk. Does anyone have any idea on how to capture Larvae and Adults? What time do adults emerge? I live in central Indiana if you need my seasons and regions to tell emergence time. Thank you Exclamation
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PostT.C. 11/10/2017, 11:01 am

Welcome to Insect Boards. Those permits are not easy to get your hands on. Especially for hobbyists, but it is possible. I recommend you check out these two links. I have them both saved on my computer. Here and here.

Posts : 5
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Join date : 2017-11-10

PostHyprNekoStorm 11/10/2017, 12:37 pm

T.C. wrote:Welcome to Insect Boards. Those permits are not easy to get your hands on. Especially for hobbyists, but it is possible. I recommend you check out these two links. I have them both saved on my computer. Here and here.

Thanks Razz
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